
Elizianna was born in Montreal, Canada. She’s been working in the entertainment industry for almost a decade now. She’s worked on shows notably for Netflix, Universal, and Apple TV as a 2D animator and storyboard artist. She’s been slowly growing her internet presence as a freelance illustrator. 

For the past two years, the need to create her own stories and characters has been stronger and stronger. That’s why she founded the Clutch Your Pearls studio with her best friend Bex.

 She describes herself as a French-Canadian cat lady and a thrifting addict.


Vanisha is an lndo-Canadian artist, born and raised in Montreal Quebec.

She grew up on a healthy diet of cartoons from Disney and Dreamworks, later wanting to be involved in that field of work. Her curiosity led her to visual development, exploring characters and environment design.

Working on both film and television at Cinesite and Laughing dragon studios, she has experience in 3D technical animation, storyboarding, motion design, graphic design, illustration, and concept art.

When she’s not working, her hobbies include reading, painting, baking, playing video games and attempting to learn the guitar for the 100th time. Being the mom of a 14-year-old cockatiel takes up most of her time.


Born in Geneva, Switzerland, Rebecca moved to Canada to study Art and Animation. Somehow,
the temperature didn’t deter her, so she settled in Montreal.

Since graduating from Laval University, she worked as a color artist for various animated
projects and as a freelance illustrator.

When she is not drawing, she is busy forgetting to post her work on Instagram, playing too many
video games and being a general annoyance to her fiancé and cats.


Mélissa was born in Quebec, Canada. She always had an interest in anything creative and decided to focus on drawing as a career. She worked as a background artist for a couple of years and then transitioned to the video game industry, where she became a 2D artist and eventually a junior lead artist. 

A bit quiet on social media platforms, she just goes with whatever creative outlet she feels like doing. One day it’s drawing; the other it’s pottery or embroidering. Anything goes, and she’s just always looking for the next challenge she can take on. This time, it’s Elizianna’s project that got her going!


Dion is a Quebec-born animator and self-taught game developer who graduated from Concordia University with a degree in Animation. 

He found his passion for compositing and virtual reality during his studies, which led him to work on several creative projects such as Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, and various virtual reality ventures as a freelancer. 

Dion recently took a bold step by leaving his primary job to focus entirely on game development. Apart from his professional work, Dion enjoys activities like badminton and rock climbing.


Laurence was born in Montreal and is a Sagittarius who loves cats. She is currently studying education at the University of Montreal and aspires to become an inspirational literature teacher. Being Gen Z, Laurence is highly engaged with social media platforms, particularly TikTok, and enjoys communicating with others.

Apart from her academic pursuits, Laurence is a passionate dancer. She has been participating in dance competitions for several years and enjoys exploring various dance styles. In addition, she has a keen interest in trying out new sports. Recently, Laurence has taken up golf and climbing, embracing the opportunity to broaden her athletic skills.

Clutch your pearls

 Bex and Elizianna met back in 2017, both working at the same Animation studio in Montreal. They bonded through working long hour shifts and their shared passion for obscure French TV references The two artists decided, back in 2020, to transform their very chaotic friendship into a dynamic partnership, creating their studio. 

Clutch Your Pearls. They started by collaborating on spicy illustrations on their Patreon before moving to more ambitious projects. Their very first is the upcoming Dating Simulator: La Mirée: Ticket to Everywhere.